Friday, March 23, 2018

Yes...I Am Still Alive

Unfortunately I do not have the valid excuse of moving to explain my long long long long my defense, My father has been struggling with cancer this past year and I have been either too drained to do anything too brainy, or just plain busy.

Anyway, about photography, I have not been idle on this subject, Photography gives me joy and allows me to find peace and silence in my now chaotic catastrophe of a life.

Here are a few snaps from this last year (forgive me if I repeat a shot I have already posted)

 I had the honor of taking this famly's Christmas photos,

Goofing off with some girls at church.

 Don't be fooled by the following is not warm, and we are not on a beach in Florida getting a is actually 50* with a chilly wind at our local state park braving the freezing cold water.

 Some February birds munching on seeds from our deck railing.

More Goofing off (oops I think my photos got scrambled when I uploaded them...and I'm way to lazy to fix that)

My brother got a puppy (full bred Boxer that we named Groot...shoutout to everybody who gets the reference)


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