Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Farm pictures...

So a lack of internet has kept me off blogs and things for a while. So while I'm at the library... and I've finally downloaded the pictures off my phone.... her goes some snaps from around our place.

This is my favorite picture by far.
And in case your wondering no it's not a fox it's one of our puppies. (Ira)

Friday, March 23, 2018

Yes...I Am Still Alive

Unfortunately I do not have the valid excuse of moving to explain my long long long long my defense, My father has been struggling with cancer this past year and I have been either too drained to do anything too brainy, or just plain busy.

Anyway, about photography, I have not been idle on this subject, Photography gives me joy and allows me to find peace and silence in my now chaotic catastrophe of a life.

Here are a few snaps from this last year (forgive me if I repeat a shot I have already posted)

 I had the honor of taking this famly's Christmas photos,

Goofing off with some girls at church.

 Don't be fooled by the following is not warm, and we are not on a beach in Florida getting a is actually 50* with a chilly wind at our local state park braving the freezing cold water.

 Some February birds munching on seeds from our deck railing.

More Goofing off (oops I think my photos got scrambled when I uploaded them...and I'm way to lazy to fix that)

My brother got a puppy (full bred Boxer that we named Groot...shoutout to everybody who gets the reference)


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Yes I do still care about this blog. 😉

Fact 1 we just last week finally moved, up until then and until we settle in blogging and photography has been on hold. 
Fact 2 we didn't have internet for most of the 5 months we were searching for a house.
Fact 3 I'm going to have photos soon just gonna take a while.

Okay now that I have explained my absense, here's a preview of what us to come. 😊

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Snapping Memories

Phew, I've been mia from the photography world for a while.... I'll blame moving for that and for this post. :D
I haven't had very many interesting photographic subjects... and yesterday I went out for a bit to take pictures. Flowers are boring (well no that's not true just I have HUNDREDS flower pictures) and since were moving soon I wanted to capture things around our property. (You know what would be really fun to do? People in action photo shoot of life around our neighborhood..... if only).
Anyway here's what I got.
~Have a blessed day, (also if your in Florida I/ we are praying for y'all!!!) 💓😢

Blood flower (It's a type of milkweed)

Monarch #1

Monarch #2

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Mum
Ever see a dragon-fly larvae shell (At least that's what I think this is)

It's a long story so just trust me that this picture is cool
Yes it's Golden Rod (dabs watery eyes, and blows runny nose)

Ever see an Asparagus berry??
Trying to be artsy

I adore this picture

And I adore this one to.

SPIDA!!! 😃
Barn, I never know how much I loved the red barn (and the fence boarding our land) next door till it's time to move 🙁